Wednesday, February 4, 2009

So Many Things

So many things have happened I don't know where to start. My babies are getting big and fluffy, they are at an age where it is almost impossible to get a good picture because they never sit still.
My husbands grandmother passed away, which provoked the usual deep introspection on life and death and what I want to be doing. I have gotten alot more done and have really been thinking about what I want to accomplish and how to get there.
My daughters fish had babies today and she is just thrilled. I have finished two new art yarn rovings and am working on the 2nd single to ply for my next yarn. I have washed half of a filthy but now wonderful cotswald fleece and a pound of cheviot. I got some angora dyed up really pretty and will have to go out in the next few days to replenish my dye selection. Tigerlily is ready to pluck again and I am hoping to get her done tonight. Oh, and I almost forgot, my little phinny turned 1 year old on Jan. 23rd!!!

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