Friday, February 26, 2010

We all have bad days

today is a bad day. I am feeling burnt out as a parent, a teacher, and an artist. I look around and I am overwhelmed. We are broke, my children are misbehaving in ways that are beyond the normal range (at least in my mind) and my "office" behind the couch has turned into a sorry mess of bags and boxes of wool with no sense of order or hope of finding what I need. My box of stuff needing to be dyed and/or carded is overflowing, I have a basket of unfinished yarns, and the list goes on.

Wow. I don't usually let it get to me but today, I just wish I could go back to bed and sleep until someone fixes it. I have wool block (figurativly speaking). It's funny how most days I get through by thinking of my larger goals and telling myself that if I don't finish something that day I will get to it tomorrow and then some days like today it all seems so far away.
This comes on the heels of realizing that this might not be the year we get to put a down payment of a nice chunk of land. Instead we will be buying a new stove and fixing whatever it is that has gone wrong with our van. It's a big setback and it's hard to swallow. I'm so desperate for change, to be out of this tiny house, to have someone willing to babysit, to have well behaved children, to have time to sit down and enjoy myself for more than 5 min without something falling behind.

I think today we will go to the park and try to take a break. Maybe tomorrow it won't all seem so bad.

1 comment: said...

Going to the park is a great idea. Sometime winter gets you down and you need sunshine to brighten your day. I wish I could babysit for you as an Old Mother Hen I love to spend time with children expecialy ones with alot of curosity and a love for mischife.