Friday, August 6, 2010

Fluffy , Feathery, Bundles of goodness!

Our baby chicks arrived yesterday from Cackle Hatchery! We've got six hens and 1 rooster each of Cuckoo Marans, Salmon Favorelles, and Americauna. They are the cutest little things I've ever seen though it seems like a few of the Salmon's are hell bent on suicide. All in all it's going well, the kids are in heaven, I'm in love, and the husband is taking it pretty well all things considered.


Heidegeist said...

Very nice Pictures.

Julie said...

Oh how awesome! I love chicks. We've got a whole slew of eggs in the incubator. You chose some wonderful breeds! My Marans is a big, tough, bird, quite a character, and she lays almost every day! Ameraucanas have got to be my favorite, though. Keep posting pics as the little chicks grow!

lydiahope76 said...

I am looking to buy Satin Angora Rabbits in Missouri and came across your blog. Do you have any for sale? You can email me at

