Monday, January 12, 2009

When everything clicks

Some days, everything just clicks. A few weeks ago we were given a six month old weimaraner pup, We named him Opus and proceded to treat his health issues and deal with the housebreaking issue. Today is day 9 with no accidents in the house and I am willing to call him housebroken! I had originally planned on getting him healthy and housebroken and finding him a good home but he bonded with me so quickly that I just fell in love. Virgil wasn't exactly pleased, he is a grumpy old man of 7 years and generally doesn't love other dogs that don't fall into the break them if you step on them category. Needless to say having Opus is like having another 2 year old in the house and it has taken some adjustment. Yesterday my mother in law came and got the terrorists giving me a much needed break and I got the house cleaned and the laundry caught up and all those little things that usually don't get done because I am too busy. Today I woke up and checked on my babies and all are healthy and well, Then I installed the Evan's software on my computer and spent a decent chunk of time inputting wool production records and pedigrees and such and if it is possible to be in love with a computer program I think that I must be! Today just went so well, one thing after another falling into place. I cleaned out the whole nursery cage and replaced the majority of the nestbox materials for the little ones in preparation for them opening their eyes which will happen sometime in the next five days or so. I got a ton of stuff done and now I am sitting here with a clean house and sleeping children and I am so happy, just when I think that it can't get any better I walk into the living room and sitting in my spot are the boys. I think that I can stop worrying about wether or not virgil will be able to accept a new dog. They look pretty comfortable and it just made my day.

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