Well the last few days have been hectic. I am working hard to get everything ready for Marshfield on the 16th,
http://www.hfafiberfair.com/fairarchives.htm It just won't stop raining and I have been washing and dyeing wool like crazy so I set up the old box fan at a slant and my fibers are drying quickly (but not quick enough) there. I feel like I am going crazy, the house is a mess, the kids are on the warpath, and I keep running out of hours in the day. I have wool in the bathtub, wool in the sink, wool in the outside utility sink, wool in dyepots on the stove, wool hanging from cabinets, wool on the fan..... Good thing the husband is working a double today! Between the kids fort building activities and my wool he might not be so thrilled. Tonight I have to pack orders, once the house is clean and I have a space to do it, and at some time I have plants that need to go in the garden. Did a pretty good cleaning on the rabbit shed last night and shoveled compost and printed up new labels for my stuff at marshfield. So excited to be going again this year. But really nervous as always. I always do best under pressure though! The etsy shop is a bit low or not stocked with certain things
www.punkjordane.etsy.com if you are looking for soemthing in particular just email me
punkjordane@earthlink.net Most likely I have it, I'm just trying to get things situated.