Monday, February 8, 2010

buckling down

Today is catch up day. My printer is out of ink and the husband got called into work so I can't go get ink and ship today as I had planned. So Instead I am trying to knock of some of my to do list.
I've so far gotten my desk clean. 3 hours. Wow. but I did finish ripping up all of the carpet in my living room except for what my desk is siting on. In a moment I am going to take this huge pile of fibers and start spinning. I want to finish two yarns today minimum. Then I'm going to tackle the scary pile of boxes of fiber next to the desk waiting to be sorted. and then...... Hmm, that's where the to do list gets a bit overwhelming. But either way, I am going to accomplish something today.
I guess blogging doesn't really count as an accomplishment, not in the clean house, clean children, well organized fiber stuff sort of way that the husband seems to think that I am capable of.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

well blogging is an accomplishment! what would your followers have to read if you did not get that knocked off your to do list? personally I think To-do lists are highly overated LOL.