Tuesday, March 23, 2010


It has been such a hectic month. You know, the kind of month that kicks you in the teeth over and over again so that you finally get to the point that you know that something good has to be headed your way??
I'm still waiting, but I'm hopeful.

As of tonight I am caught up on 99% of the computer stuff. All packages are shipped, most emails, convos, and other communications have been answered, excepting my angora clubs. I've gotten a few rabbits sheared but have more to do before I can send everything out.

Hopefully I will get to it all tomorrow.

This month started out with my little man Cassius getting pneumonia, then he had an allergic reaction to the penicillian, and shortly after we started to recover from that my darling husband stepped on my glasses and smashed them into three peices..... so I'm pretty much blind right now, can't see well enough to do very much on my own, though they are currently drying from my third attempt at repair. This time I've used superglue as before but added tiny bits of toliet paper to help the bond and tape to hold them together until the glue is good and dry. Possibly this might work which means I might be functioning at above 50% as early as tomorrow.
I hope so, there's a feeling of helplessness and nakedness that comes with the loss of my glasses. My eyes are getting worse every year and I worry that I will be blind by the time I'm in my 50's. Deep fear.

For now I'm trying to be happy with what I do have. I have beautiful children and a bountiful wool room. My bunnies are healthy and for the most part so are we. I have adequate garden space, some of which is already planted. and some days, I have my sanity.

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